Fully automated
risk assessment for social media

  • Safeguarding & Support
  • Reputational risk / company values & culture

  • Social media clean up / amnesty

Developed by leading Psychologists

Studies show that a persons online behaviour will be directly reflective of their offline behaviour.

Dr Amy McKee, Consultant Forensic Clinical Psychologist

We must make best endeavours to understand who we are hiring ” we didn’t know” will no longer be an excuse.

Dr Amy McKee, Consultant Forensic Clinical Psychologist

Cost savings and efficiency

A human resource administrator can take at least 8 hours to undertake 1 social media check.

At £17 per hour, the cost to the business is estimated at £136.

Who is using Social Media Checks?

Many businesses are now conducting social media checks to:

  • Support better onboarding
  • Protect their brand and reputation
  • Enable employees to clean-up their posts


of companies currently conduct social media checks



of HR professionals rely on Google to research job applicants



of employers have found content that has caused them to discipline or even fire an existing employee

*Source: Manifest 2020 Recruitment Survey, CareerBuilder Survey 2018

100% Automated Software

Unlike competitive products, our Social Media Check is software driven. No human checking, no unconscious bias or risk that a person is going to miss content. Completely removes any subjectivity.

Checks are only made after full consent obtained

We only conduct a Social Media Check once the person to be checked (subject) has provided consent. Consent is required for each social platform used by the subject and once provided, the check will analyse both public and private posts within the subject’s social media account(s)

Every post analysed in minutes

Our fully automated solution generates reports in minutes regardless of the number of social media accounts and posts that the subject (person being checked) has accumulated. A manual social media check will typically take between 5 and 10 hours to conduct whereas our solution will typically return the findings of a check in under 30 minutes.

How it works

How it works

Subject upload & Consent Request

The personal details of the person being checked (the subject) are unput and an automated “Consent Request” email is sent.

Consent Received & Report Generated

Once consent has been received,the Social Media Check will be conducted.


Reports are generated in under 30 minutes and automatically sent to the client (the requestor) and the person being checked (the subject) for review.

End User Report Review & Clean-Up

Reports provide the person being checked (the subject) with links to content considered inappropriate.


The subject has the opportunity to remove the content and to request a second report.


The second report is executed and is issued to the subject and also stored within the portal for review by the requestor.

What makes "Social Media Check" different?

  • Reports generated in under 30 minutes
  • Automated analysis, extraction and report generation processes
  • 100% private (i.e. no human intervention at any stage of Social Media Check)
  • Consent obtained for Public AND Private posts across all social media platforms
  • UK-Based Solution platform, ISO 27001 compliant and Fully Secure
  • Fully GDPR compliant
  • 2 Stage Reporting allows the consenting subject to clean up their Social Media accounts
  • Local solution hosting options (minimum report subscriptions apply)

What our customers are saying.

Our previous agency used to take 5 working days to complete our social media checks, these are now completed in about 15 minutes!

Paul Trevor, CEO

The fact that Social Media Check obtain full consent for every platform means that my reports contain both Public and Private post findings.

This was a key requirement for us when looking at our sensitive end-user accounts.

Trusted Customer.

We love the fact that the end-user is sent a copy of the Social Media Check report.

They can then clean-up their own social accounts before letting us know that they are ready for the final report to be generated.

This seemed to be a fairer way of working to us and it improved end-user buy in to the whole process.

Talent Agency, North West.

The output report is the best we have seen in the market.

It clearly identifies the social platforms that have been checked and it provides links to any offensive posts within the report.

This has been critical to allowing the end-user to clean up their accounts quickly and easily.

Recruitment Agency, Cheshire.

Answers to your questions.

A social media check will interpret the consenting individuals (subjects) social media accounts are reviewed in order to gain insight to the individual, their interests and hobbies and any groups to which they may be subscribed to.

Yes. The individual for whom the check is required (the subject) must consent to the check being conducted. Output is hosted on a secure solution and the output can be made available to both the requestor and the subject.

Consenting to a Social Media Check report does not mean that we obtain your passwords to your social media accounts.

An automated social media check costs just £59.00 per report (plus VAT). Volume discounts apply, contact us for a quote.


The Social Media Check platform cannot perform a check without the consent of the person to whom the check relates (the subject). Consents are (a) initially for the report to be conducted, then (b) for each platform that the subject is happy for us to check.


The Social Media Check platform is automated and the content of an individuals Social Media is reviewed using algorithms and data extraction routines.

The time taken for a social media check will vary on two factors (a) the number of social media platforms the subject has, and (b) the frequency of post made by the subject.

A check conducted for an individual with accounts on the most popular social media platforms with an average number of posts will take less than minutes to complete (post consent received).

Support advice concerning Covid-19, January 2021

As we all come to terms with tighter COVID-19 restrictions, we’d like to take this opportunity to share the steps that we are taking to ensure that we continue to offer the levels of service that you expect from Social Media Check.

Our primary concern continues to be the health and safety of colleagues and their families, customers, our business partners and the local communities so in accordance with the Government directive, our Head Office is now closed until further notice.

From the close of business on Monday 4th January 2021 our Head Office switch telephone number will not be monitored. We will provide support services remotely but our Head Office will not be manned.

If you need to contact us please email : hello@socialmediacheck.com

Our staff have the technology in place to continue to provide no interruption to our normal service levels ensuring that we’re able to provide you with the same great levels of service should you need advice or support with any of our insurance products.

Stay at home and stay safe, please continue to follow NHS advice https://www.nhs.uk/coronavirus

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation at this difficult time.

The Social Media Check Team